Reasons Why You Should Take a Trip to Spain

Are you ready for this? Are you ready for the colourful, the whacky, the wonderful that is Spain? Are you ready for your mind to be blown? Well good, because this is where you’ll find all sorts of crazy facts about Spain, probably a country you don’t know much about. Well, that’s about to change, chico(a)! With a unique history, complex national identity and somewhat peculiar traditions, Spain is a country where old-world mystique meets up with cutting-edge modernity, where old-fashioned dedication meets global hedonism. You might have heard of this crazy country before – or maybe you haven’t. This is your opportunity to get acquainted. Make your mind official with these fun facts about Spain.

Do you know that Spain is home to the world’s oldest restaurant? That it has the second-highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world? That the Spanish have their own way of keeping time? Spaniards like to dance flamenco, throw battered tomatoes at each other, fry their eggs, date from the age of 40, and wear socks with sandals. But did you know that Spanish sock Christmas-card traditions date back to the Middle Ages? Or that Barcelona soccer club was originally led by American missionaries? Did you know that the oldest restaurant in the world is in Spain? Or that Spaniards have their own way of telling the time? Get ready for a dazzle of bewitchment, because here are some surprising things you might not know about Spain.

Historical Facts about Spain

The history of the civilisations that have occupied Spain and part of Europe is full of interesting facts and anecdotes in the queue of millenaries. Spain was part of Roman empire until the 5th century A.D. and after that, it was occupied by the Moors for another 700 years. Almost eight centuries of Islamic empire can be appreciated even nowadays, by certain aspects of the architecture such as alcazaba fortresses, or by the patios and tilework of the Alhambra. More fun anecdotes about Spanish culture are not known by many: 1. Spain is one of the only countries of Europe that did not participate in either of the world wars 2. You can attend a year of Spanish school without studying any grammar 3. Legend says the invention of the gift box for apothecary shops took place in Spain.

It is also the country of famous explorers and of Christopher Columbus who discovered the Americas, has a dark and glorious colonial past as well, a language (Spanish) that is one of the most spoken in the world – and its reinvention as a democracy, after the dictatorial legacy of General Francisco Franco, is regarded as the triumph of its modern history.

Cultural Facts about Spain

Spain is popular around the world for having a variety of culture, as result of Roman, Moorish, and Christian tradition. One of the most interesting is the fact that Spaniards have a culture of taking a nap in the afternoon, called a siesta. This is done as a way to avoid the harsh heat of the day. From this we can conclude that Spain has a lifestyle that is very relaxed. Spain is renowned for its vibrant culture, which is influenced by a mix of Roman, Moorish, and Christian traditions. One interesting cultural fact is that Spaniards have a siesta tradition, where they take a midday nap to escape the heat of the day. This cultural practice reflects the laid-back and relaxed lifestyle that Spain is known for.

Another element of Spanish culture is the bullfight. Spaniards have strong opposing views on the bullfight, sees it as an art form, and is a very old tradition in our country. In recent years, several people start to be against bullfighting, and they claim that this type of animal abuse must be stopped; mainly because of human cruelty and animal’s suffering.

The second popular culture Spain is famous for is flamenco dancing, a passionate art of singing, guitar-playing and dancing. Flamenco originated in Andalusia, it is recognized by UNESCO as ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity’, and shows are another must-see if visiting Spain.

Geographical Facts about Spain

I admire the country’s geographical diversity which represents the best nature can possibly offer. You can find delightful beaches all along the Costa del Sol, you can enjoy warm sun mixed with cool breezes standing on the shielas of the two major mountains, Teide in Tenerife or Pico de Teide in the Canary Islands, or you can have memorable days skiing in the snow at the ski slopes of the Sierra Nevada, in the south.
Geographically, one of the most interesting facts about Spain is that it is, after Switzerland, the second most mountainous country in Europe. We can access a beautiful range of scenery at different locations: the Pyrenees Mountains form a natural frontier with France, but other less known slopes of the Iafaranas (hillocks) can be the right starting point for a nice and easy relaxation, you can see the finest mountains by taking a bus ride to Montserrat or to the city of Santander, on the northern shore of the region called Cantabria…

Similarly, in Spain, a favourite tourist destination are the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, both archipelagos (groups of islands) that contribute tourist revenue to their respective nations. The Canaries are in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwest coast of Africa, with a subtropical climate and beaches that attract visitors worldwide that come to sunbathe and enjoy the varied flora and fauna. The Balearic Islands, with three large islands (Mallorca, main tourist island; Ibiza; and Menorca) and around 70 smaller ones, are well-known across the world for their quintessential mediterranean scenery and beach resorts, as well as their night-life.

Fun Facts about Spanish Cuisine

The Spanish cuisine is really appreciated all over the world, although the food is highly spiced and contains a lot of fresh ingredients. The first time that I tasted a dish of tapas different from those of Italy, I fell in love! Yes, I am talking about Spain and tapas that come served on a small plate, which are shared among several people. It’s a real Spanish folklore!

You should know that Spain is the leading producer of olive oil in the world. It is common to use olive oil in cooking in Spain, from salads to stews. Spanish wine, the drink of one of my country’s most famous products! Which Spanish wine would you rather taste: Rioja or Ribera del Duero?

Interesting Facts about Spanish Festivals and Traditions

Spaniards are still one of the greatest melomaniacs (enthusiasts) of the festive life on Earth: they celebrate in their style all the year around. In Spain, there are some greatest celebrations ever organized, and one of them, for sure, is La Tomatina: a yearly festival of tomato-throwing held in August in the Valencian municipality of Buñol in the region of Valencia, in the Levante of Spain, that attracts hundreds of thousands of people from many countries in the world.

Another popular tradition is the Running of the Bulls at San Fermín, a celebration held annually in Pamplona. Participants run through the city streets next to a group of wild bulls. This famous race has become symbolic of Spanish culture.

Famous Landmarks and Attractions in Spain

Spana. What is to say about this city, this Catalan capital. It has so many famous places and well-known attractions you can recognize in any part of the world. The most famous, symbolic and well-known landmark in Barcelona and in Spain is the Sagrada Familia. It was built by the architect Antoni Gaudí. His architecture stile and technics are classic. His buildings are great and popular.

The Alhambra, a stunning palace and fortress complex in Granada, is another must-visit destination. Its Moorish architecture and beautiful gardens make it a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a testament to Spain’s rich history.

Spanish Contribution to Art, Literature, and Music

Spaniards created some of the world’s most famous paintings. Some great painters are Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí whose art still attracts many people nowadays.

Another is the best of Spanish literature: Miguel de Cervantes in his novel, Don Quixote, is perhaps one of the greatest Spanish-language writers and his novel perhaps the first modern novel, having inspired William Shakespeare.

Sports and Recreational Activities Popular in Spain

The country is mad about sport, and football most of all. Spain has produced some of the finest football players of our era.

Another popular sport in Spain is basketball. Others include tennis and cycling. Spain has also host several sports events such as the Olympic and the FIFA world cup.

Conclusion: Why Spain is a Fascinating Country

A visitor never gets tired of Spain, for one thing, nor of the warmth of the welcoming and hospitality. There is much to be said of her history, her culture and traditions, and scenery, monuments and festivals, most of which is found nowhere else. Heritage and Culture.

And so… if you’re ready to go… pack your bags now and unveil for yourself the awesome richness of a grand old country… Spain, a country of culture and romance, so full of treasures to be remembered…¡Viva España!

xoxo, Toria

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